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Learn Top Talk Radio Guest Tips

Talk Radio needs lots of interesting guests.

Why The Talk Radio Guest Topic Does Not Matter

Radio does not like to read. Radio people are audio people...

What you are interested in doesn’t mean what they are interested in. Radio has been called the “theatre of the mind”. You have to bridge this gap by being a fascinating storyteller, an engaging guest who is interesting, even controversial.

Radio stations want you to engage the emotions of their listeners completely and keep them listening from then on. They want to hear you first. And so the advice to start podcasting and doing interviews on Internet-only stations to get your feet wet.

The radio is part of the media scene, which means they want interesting and even controversial interviews. Their listeners are expecting information which will move their lives around for them.

Listeners respond to the personality, not the topic. Talk show hosts tend to prove this. They convert regular topics into controversial ones through their interest and presentation. If listeners like the personality of the host (or guest), they will follow instructions to go to webites, bookstores, etc. That’s why they get celebrities to endorse things.

Mornings are usually lighter and the interviews shorter. Hosts try to make people laugh, so adding anecdotes to your pitch helps out.

Radio really works. While TV doesn’t usually allow phone numbers or website addresses, radio allows it. Since the site or phone number is spoken by the guest, it has a personal touch. People feel more inclined to call or log-on.

You’re the expert – do the expert thing on-air.

Radio interviews confirm your expert status. As an expert, you should be able to talk about anything in your area of expertise – and even outside it. You want to first give the media the info they are looking for so they can complete their assignment. If you do a great job for them they will use you again.

Of course, if they ask you about other ideas you may have, feel free to give them your best stuff!

When you commit to a booking, keep it. If you cancel, it leaves that producer in a spot. And guess what spreads across their network about you? This industry and all business if built on trust, including your credibility as an author.

Think of any contact you have with the media as an audition. Make a “cheat sheet” of your talking points to have with you in every interview or discussion of what you are going to talk about. Create at least five discussion points on the topic from what they want you to talk about. This includes statistics and key points your book makes – and keep them handy during your interviews. Such a sheet keeps you from stumbling around while talking – and keeps you looking like the expert you are.

This comes in handy as your radio host and his/her producer is always looking for a certain expert to carry a certain segment they think their listening audience loves. If they doubt your ability or expertise in the pre-interview, they won’t use you. But if you do great in the pre-interview, great in your interview – then they’ll call you back again and again as their resident expert. And will promote you to their network.

Make sure you let them know how to get in touch with you at any moment. When this media moves, it tends to move fast. Keep yourself available and able to be reached immediately. Make sure your cell phone is working and check your messages often.

Also, make sure your producer or media contact has your name, credentials, and book spelling straight. Just get them to repeat it back to you so you know they have it right.

Another great idea is to email these facts to your producer or contact. They can then double-check your data. Always better to play on the safe side.

As a side note: Talk Radio covers lots of topics and so needs regular talk radio guests. If you check with Talkers Magazine, they keep regular notes of what are the current topics.

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