Learn Radio Guest Secrets - an Introduction

Why you should be a guest on Radio Interviews
While there are over 6,000 talk or interview shows in the U.S., there are fewer than 1,000 TV shows that interview. These radio shows need interesting guests to keep their listening public. Quite often, you’ll hear guest authors who don’t have recognizable names. Authors are interesting – the public generally considers them experts.
One estimate has it that more than 10,200 guests appear on everyday on radio shows across America. And once you perfect radio interviews, you can reach for the TV interviews.
And that is why we include radio interviews in our Online Millionaire Plan. You improve your credibility by doing radio interviews. And you can introduce viewers to your website or directly to Amazon or brick-and-mortar stores to buy your books. Radio interviews can be done from home, with nothing more than a telephone or a Skype connection.
Talkers Magazine defines the average radio listener to be middle-aged, most with incomes over $50K. Radio listeners are educated and nearly evenly male-female.
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