Black Belt Recruiting - Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight
biggest problem, as Mike Dillard found out from his years in the Network
Marketing industry is this:
Those fearful sponsors became a drain on the time of their uplines and dragged down the whole scene.
You want to recruit and train top-notch leaders who will not just
make money, but will also recruit top-notch, money-earning leaders into
their own downline. This is a win-win-win creative solution.
Of course, Mike has already dealt with this in the videos and very first chapter of "Magnetic Sponsoring". A person attracts people the same as he or she is. If you are uncertain, you'll fill your downline with people that are uncertain to various degrees. Same for any unhandled fear - your downline sponsors will be afraid to act.
The way he put it - in the first couple page of his Black Belt Recruiting book:
Black Belt is dear to my heart for a few reasons, but primarily, it represents a very drastic contrast between who I was, and who I have become as a person thanks to this industry.
I was as bad as you could be when it came to recruiting for almost six years.
Calling me shy would have been a
massive understatement. The thought of picking up the phone and talking
to a lead made me physically tremble.
I'd sit at my desk, staring at the
phone for hours. I'd make endless trips to Office Depot to buy that one
last supply I needed to ensure my desk was organized and ready for
I'd wait until I heard that next
training call, or to make sure my sponsor was available for a 3-way if
needed before my fingers every touched the dial-pad.
It's like trying to sum up the
courage to call the girl you like in grade-school - but now you've got
to do it every day for a living.
I was my sponsors' worst night-mare because they knew I had the talent and ability to achieve incredible things, but I always let my own fears and demons get in the way.
And you can imagine that a shy person wasn't going to go very far in
network marketing if they have to recruit a downline.
As I covered in the first page of this site - Mike was able to overcome
his fears by forcing himself into situations where the job itself
allowed no backing out. First he over came his inability to talk on the
phone. Next he overcame any fear of talking to strangers and getting
By rising above these fears, he changed himself. And it was then that
he was nearly ready to discover the principles behind Magnetic Sponsoring.
He next had to meet Mark Wieser. As I covered before, Mark was at
top of his game. He successfully and routinely recruited more people in
a month than most people did in a year (some in their entire business
Dillard saw his picture and a short description on a web site and that
was all it took. He was on the phone and got an appointment.
Mark was polite and curious about this kid. He was used to people
calling him for appointments to be interviewed. It was his preferred
way of getting qualified sponsors.
And while Dillard impressed him, Mark told him that he wasn't ready.
Dillard was turned down by the very person he needed to help him learn
his next step.
That was the very lesson Mike needed in order to get going. After
scraping together the membership fee, he was then allows to become a
sponsor in Mark's downline.
At that point, Mike began to learn exactly what he needed in order to
decipher the code of effective recruiting.
He learned many, many points which the 6 interviews with Mark reveal in
very definite terms - although the friendly and professional banter
between them reveals the deep friendship they've forged over the years.
You feel like you are indeed sitting at an insider's club of
millionaires who have included you in their little group for 6 evenings
as they talk business.
By the end of these recordings, you have a complete introductory set of tools you can use to completely remake your recruiting lines and efforts. These exactly match your Magnetic Sponsoring video's and recordings to tell you the greater story about how to succeed in Network Marketing.
- - - -
While I was initially skeptical about how much this was needed - afterwards, I saw that this was another vital toolset for anyone in network marketing to have. It's a perfect match after a person has gotten their basics sorted out with Magnetic Sponsoring, and worked out a realistic Budget to Build from in starting to acquire leads which can be converted to sponsors.How you sponsor and who you sponsor are the next 2 questions which have to be answered.
Mike Dillard with his Black Belt Recruiting enables you to answer those from your strengths.
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Magnetic Sponsoring | Building on a Budget | Black Belt Recruiting | MLM RockStars
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